Tuesday, June 9, 2015


"Unforeseen surprises are the rule in science,
not the exception.  Remember: Stuff Happens."
Leonard Susskind
Here we are, June is bustin' out all over ~ school's out, rain stopped, days are sunny,  a/c's are in full swing and life goes on.  Nice to have the water levels up w/green grass, lots of flowers...beautiful sights, right?  Right.  So much rain really was a surprise!
Surprises are around so many corners; some are awesome and some are...well, a bit unsettling.  Familiar saying is "life is full of surprises"...sure is!
Ha, ha!  For sure Michael and I have had a life full of surprises.  Never thought we'd be a military family...live all over the world...have four boys in less than five years (now those really were surprises)...do the things we've done!  Wow!
M's health has become a series of surprises...very different...quite interesting!
He has very competent physicians; in good hands.  He had been healthy all his life until Amyloidosis moved in but it is actually behaving...a relief!  Still, he has many symptoms that are not related to Amy and have proven hard to diagnose...until last week.
He has a Neurologist that has really enlightened us.  I'm smiling because I never thought I would be relieved and happy to hear that my husband has Parkinson's disease.  He surely does!  And believe it or not, we are thankful.
It gives us answers, explains so many strange symptoms...and we have  understanding.  This doctor 'sparkles' as Michael says; he has a way that reaches M...you know, a connection, and that's extremely important. 
He also has a new medication that holds promise of better days ahead.  One might be concerned about more medication but he's been taken off of one...that's good! 
M's father was diagnosed w/Parkinson's disease early on so we're very familiar with how it affects people...but his dad was much younger than M when he was diagnosed.  We look at it this way...M is 85 and at this point his body is still in fairly good condition; we'll be okay.
Here's the thing of it; it does something for a person's frame of mind...attitude...to know (really know) what's wrong with you...okay, suppose it's more like what more is wrong with you!  You feel all discombobulated when you haven't a clue as to what's causing a multitude of physical problems.  Are you losing your mind or is it already lost???  Oh my! That was my sweetheart...not good.
The change is monumental...M is happy, smiling, twinkling eyes...so what if Mr. Parkinson has moved in...he can keep Ms. Amyloid company!  
After all, two's company, yes? 
Here's something to think on:
F.E.A.R. has two meanings...
Forget Everything And Run...Or...Face Everything And Rise.
The choice is yours...the choice is ours.
 The two of us are gonna' roll with it'...after all, it's only stuff and stuff happens!
From my heart...to yours,  

Pictures courtesy of Peanuts


  1. Sometimes surprises are the biggest blessings of all! Prayers your way! Peace in the surprises to come! God is in control and so good!

    1. I love surprises and both of us know that we have a special caregiver; He's on the job 24/7 and we're covered. Keep the prayers going...they do the job!

  2. Having a diagnosis is always preferred to wondering if you're imagining things. Even with all the equipment today, docs don't know everything. So glad things worked out and there are some meds that can help.

    1. So right, Kate. Michael is fortunate to have such transparent doctors...they believe in communicating with the patient...sometimes that's a rarity!
