Wednesday, April 15, 2015


You got it; I'm tired of dealing with the drama and I least for the time being...our extension has been accepted by that sterling government entity known as the IRS.  Hey, Lois Lerner didn't get too excited about things...why should I?  Because, I'm different...that's why. 
We don't usually have panic attacks over April 15th but this was the first and hopefully the last time we'll repeatedly procrastinate.  The stress level is best put to don't wanna' know!  Oops, maybe you've had it too!
For some, it's IOU...for others it's UOI.  I rather favor the can only hope, right?
There are more than a few who don't seem concerned about little things like reporting income, etc.  Then...there are others who simply refuse to file/'s against their principles.   
Some celebrities owe horrendous figures in back taxes...millions.  I'd be shakin' in my boots. One said she doesn't bother thinking about how much she makes or how much she owes the that what you'd call 'laid back'?  Another served several years in federal prison for failure to pay back taxes and now says he is very happy to pay taxes every day. 
One famous man owed 16.7 million in back taxes and ended up in a mess.
I think it's wise to play by the rules, don't you?
"This idea that you're a successful tough guy
if you evade taxes and deceive the government has got to change."
George Papandreou
To ease the pain, lots of interesting things take place on the 15th of April...some are listed under the heading of Cheap Eats.  One chain is advertising free sandwiches w/half price drinks.  Hard Rock Café posted one...if you can stand up in front of the customers on Tuesday, the 14th of April, and sing an entire song you will win one of their ultimate sandwiches.  Goody, goody gum-drop...not.
A pizza chain has an ad for Tax Day.  A National Pizza Form is provided that you are to 'honestly' fill out (they suggest you be as honest as when you filled out your income tax return)...things to check off such as how many feet of pizza crust you ate during many pizzas you many pieces of pepperoni you consumed...etc.   Mail in your entry and you'll be notified later how you've come out in the win department.  Oh boy! 
Okay, so all of that is to allow people to feel better about doing something that (at times) seems rather unpleasant, shall we say?  Truthfully we don't gripe about paying taxes...we've multitudes of blessings in this country, more than we can ever count. 
So, call it a's a small price to cough up for all the things we have in this awesome land...we are extremely rich.
"Think what a better world it would be if we all,
the whole world, had cookies and milk about
three o'clock every afternoon and then
lay down on our blankets for a nap."
Barbara Jordon
Now that's a great I'm gonna' have a cookie, a big glass of water...
grab my blankey...take some deep breaths & relax.  Oh wow! My world's already's yours? 
From my free!


  1. We finished up about a week ago and I was glad. Maybe next year will be the year that I have someone do them. I hate to pay when I know I can do it if I would only just do it.

  2. We've always done our own w/no problems. This year? We're going to pay and have a 'no stress' time of it. It's getting more complicated each year; no more pain for us! Thanks for reading. Here's to the deadline...
