Friday, December 12, 2014


"Having a bad day ?
Hold your hand over your heart.
Feel that ? That beating ?
That's called purpose.
You're alive for a reason."
You ever had a bad day?  Had one recently?  If not, you must be a rare bird.  It takes effort to 'stay up' 24/7...sometimes a great deal of effort.

Christmas Day is right around the corner and the days seem to be can time go so fast and I go so slow?  Oh well, best gear up and get with it, yes?

Every year I think I'll get a head start on everything and do a better job of it each day...but you know what?  I'm Vasca who lollygags much of the time...but I so enjoy doing it.

Well, no one is tied in knots if 'my list' (I don't make lists anyway) gets lost or thrown out with the other trash...I'm not a perfectionist, so my problem is solved...way to go!

Michael once...long ago...before I infected him...was sort of a list maker.  He was focused...FOCUSED...isn't it nice the way couples accommodate each other?  Cuts down on sticky situations...yep, sure does.  I smile at him and he smiles back...that's why I adore him.

This time of the year always 'grabs' my heart, I am sentimental anyway but there's just something extra special about this season...I work these fingers on the computer with a CD playing beautiful Christmas music and you know...I get misty-eyed...and it's wonderful.

I think about my life before Michael...I think about my life with Michael...I do a lot of thinking.  All the Christmas times we've been together (so many)...Christmas times we've been thousands of miles apart...awesome times.

God has always been there for me, for us.  Oh believe me, there were years when I didn't want to put my hand on my heart; didn't care whether or not it was beating.  Those were my bad days which became bad very bad years. 

But...oh but...God took me to task, ever so gently...ever so lovingly...
and guess what?
He awakened me to something I'd not realized...purpose...purpose!
He taught me that I was here for a reason; imagine that? 
Me, who seemed to think I wasn't worth much...had an awakening. 
How good was that? 
Must say, it's downright awesome...awesomely awesome!

Perhaps you've never felt as I did; you've always been sure of everything. 
Then again, just maybe you've had a 'bad day' run that never seemed to end. 

"Having a bad day ?
Hold your hand over your heart.
Feel that ? That beating ?
That's called purpose.
You're alive for a reason."

My heart isn't beating just to pass the time of day...
It's beating because He's given me something to do...a reason for being here.
It's good...very good.

From my yours,


  1. I have enjoyed all your posts; new and old! Your PURPOSE is evident! Thank you for YOU!


    1. Oh friend, thank you so much. M and I think of and talk of you much of the time. Your words have an impact on me...and encourage me to continue.
      Prayers are lifted for you and the multitudes around you...hugs 'n love, V

  2. I had a slight slump this holiday season but today I woke up with a song in my head. I wish I knew how to do that everyday. I sang all the way to Starbucks and back home again. I think you have figured out how to keep that spirit alive all the time (or at least most of the time!).

  3. Slumps creep in and do a job on us...but then? Thankfully (most of the time) we can shoo them away...good thing, huh. My singing is more like croaking but who cares...I'll bet you sparkled on your Starbucks mission...'specially w/that delicious coffee...oh boy!
    Thanks for reading and encouraging is super-duper! Hugs 'n love to you, friend.
