Tuesday, November 11, 2014


"God put us here, on this carnival ride. 
We close our eyes never knowing where it'll take us next." 
Carrie Underwood

I've just celebrated yet another birthday...awesome to have birthdays, they're good.   Our oldest son mentioned I was probably born in a hospital...I wasn't.  I was born in my grandparents farmhouse in Oklahoma...during the Depression.
Thinking about that brought back memories...some good, others not so good...but still, part of my life.  My life...I had no idea what my life would be. 
Dr. Seuss put it this way:
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”

After high school, I made my move to the 'Golden State', California...where I discovered, as Larry Gatlin and his brothers sang, 'all the gold in California is in the bank in the middle of Beverly Hills...in somebody else's name'.  My fortune was nowhere to be found so I returned to Texas where God handed me a gold nugget (oh wow) in the form of a Michael...a handsome nugget all my own. 
We joined lives, closed our eyes and became 'spirit-led'...we were honestly unaware of what was happening...we just went.  Ever so happy and so in love!
M and I didn't plan...obviously we didn't.  Ha, we had our four sons before I could wink at Michael...we had no insurance, no money...but you know what?  We never fretted and smiled all the way...we always made it...went with the flow.  Oh, did we ever go.  Love is something special, right?

Do you know the word, lagniappe?  It's a southern word...hand-in-hand with Louisiana...meaning  a little something special.   
A friend introduced that word to me; I fell in love with it...a little something special.
Until M & I merged I hadn't much self-esteem...that's the truth. 
Then 'a little something special' took root and it's in full bloom, believe me!
Life has been totally unpredictable, unplanned and we hadn't a clue as to where it would take us...what can I say except that we were in God's hands...100%.
"Life is so full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises.  Sometimes that beauty is too much for me to handle.  
Strange surprises, beautiful things?   

God saw to it that we remained unattached to our surroundings; with Him in charge it is always 'something special'.  Oh the places you'll go and the things you will see?  Wow, we went...we saw...and loved everything.  Kings and Queens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Colossus of Rhodes, Red Sea, Great Wall of China...around the world carnival ride...oh what surprises.

Of course there were bumps...more than a few...aren't there always? We had many long separations...made it through those too.  M and I talk a lot...so we bridged those lonesome years with written words...we exchanged letters every day we were apart.  We shared our lives on paper...words that kept us going; words that truly moved us to tears...changed us.
Do you know that feeling? 
When something is just too beautiful? 
When someone says something or writes something
or plays something that moves you to the point of tears,
maybe even changes you." 
Mark Oliver Everett ~ 
There are many things in my life that truly are simply too beautiful.  When Michael tells me how much I encourage him...how important I am in his life...how much he loves me?  I am moved to tears.  When I think of all the awesome people who have molded my life?  When I think of how God has used us?  Used me?  When I think of what He has done in my life?
Tears...tears of joy, of thankfulness...special tears.
Just now I have my eyes closed, and I know what I know...but Dr. Seuss?
Someone else is steering...and I've 'a little something special'...got it?

From my heart...to yours,


  1. Happy birthday to one of the most upbeat people I know. You were wise to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. What a life you have had and more to come!

  2. Thanks, Kate. It really has been phenomenal and you're right...there's more to come. It just gets better and better. More than I ever dreamed of...oh wow! My life is on 'full bling'.
