Tuesday, July 29, 2014


All art displayed on this post is by Dennis Cox
Rights purchased by author for her use.
 "Encourage yourself by encouraging others. 
It's tough to encourage others without lifting your own spirits up."
Kevin Ngo
For an individual who once was painfully shy, I've blossomed and become of all things...an encourager.  I'm nothing compared to Barnabas but I continually try to improve...I'm thinking it's working.  It became important to me because I felt like the 'ugly duckling'...sure did.  Self-conscious as all get out and very unsure of myself...until I met Michael. 
After two auto accidents I was a bit lost...depressed for a very long time.  Enter my encourager...beginning with our life changing move to China in 2002.  Michael suggested I begin a weekly journal to send to friends and our home congregation. 
I had always enjoyed writing letters, sending cards, etc. so the seed M planted quickly took root and write I did.  I'd never been one to finish what I started; I would get these wild-hare fancy ideas...get all the paraphernalia to work with and off like a rocket.  Only to sputter much too soon and pack it all in.  M knew that but kept it to himself...all the way.
From July 2002 until November 2005 I faithfully and excitedly wrote each week about what we were doing in Changsha and later, in Qingdao.  It wasn't difficult to come up with material...we had so many characters in our daily lives that it was a breeze to introduce and keep them in the mix of life there.
Many mornings I would be up at 4, writing away while watching the night patrolman flash his light down the promenade toward our building...a perfect time for reflection and writing. 
Writing encouraged me...I hope it encouraged others...it 'grew me'...years later it continues doing so with the blog "Balanced Heart".   
"Consider the rights of others before your own feelings
and the feelings of others before your own rights."
John Wooden

For me, writing takes careful consideration.  Reading, studying...knowing about others, their thoughts, their opinions is important. 

Making fun of those who don't measure up to my idea of what's nice/right opposed to what's crude...what's pretty to what's ugly...is not what I'm about and if you catch me, please let me know.  Laughing, making fun of others isn't nice...at least not in my thinking.  I wonder if some think sarcasm is witty and needing to be expressed...for self-satisfaction.  Everyone has feelings and I want to be considerate of that/them.  If you've been on the receiving end...you know what I mean.
"Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand
is the beginning of a journey. 
At other times it is allowing another to take yours. 
Vera Nazarian 
Michael has always been one who gives...and gives...and gives.  He doesn't want anything for himself (I've written that before).  I enjoy giving...okay, I also enjoy receiving...but I'd rather give.  It's about 'passing it on' which is a wonderful thing.

We had an awesome example of that in Chicago...during the annual reunion of the friends and veterans of the 285th Heavy Tank Company that served together in the Korean Conflict.
After we registered at the hotel we rode the elevator w/two young women.  As always, I managed to exchange info in a few seconds; they wished us a happy anniversary and that was it for the time being.  They were in Chicago for an FAA seminar.
The following evening we were in the hospitality area when the two 'elevator' ladies approached me and struck up a conversation.  They became quite interested in our group and had lots of conversations going; seems one's father had also served in Korea...a common thread.
Our group had gathered in the lobby heading for dinner when one of them asked M where we were going...he told her and off we went.  There were twenty-two of us on our way to Gino's (best ever)...for a big feast.
Gino's head waitress told us they had a surprise for us but we had to wait until after dinner...mmm, what do you suppose?  Ready to pay the check and no check to pay.  $450.oo worth of dinner was a gift from an unknown benefactor.  It seemed someone called the restaurant prior to our arrival and made all the secretive arrangements.
Later, our group had a business meeting back at the hotel that I skipped; put on my snoop gear and went to work...wasn't difficult because I had this odd sense when, at the restaurant, they mentioned 'surprise'.  I got it...knew what it was going to be.  The new friend had given me her room number so I called...identifying myself as the 'elevator lady' and had a question for her.  "I think that you're a good Samaritan, aren't you?"  "Well, I could be...I might be."  "I know you are and all of us thank you very much."
She wanted it kept secret; I honored her request.  However...I made a special card and asked each one of our group to write a short note of thanks/appreciation, which they did.  I used the internet for her address and sent her our card/notes.  Now she and I are 'friends' and 'passing it on'.  From a simple exchange in an elevator...a great object lesson and an example for all of us...love it.
             "Step with care and great tact,
             and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act."
                    Dr. Seuss                 

I have this great ability, without even engaging my brain, to gig people.  Are gigs and digs the same thing?  Seems to me our society has lost much of the gentleness/tactfulness that I thought we had.  Maybe we never had it, you think? Could it be just me?  Don't know!  
Life is complicated...someone wrote 'life is hard and not always fair'.  I imagine it has always been difficult...no age is immune.  These days?  Oh...many are saying this country is going down, down, down.   We don't seem to be the Lone Ranger's in that department...take a survey of the countries at dangerous odds with each other.  Country against country protesting and demonstrating against any and everything. 
Still, life go on...my life, your life.  Presently, Michael is in a Physical Therapy program ~ he practices trying to stay balanced.  Me?  Ha, I couldn't walk straight or keep my balance if my life depended on it. 
I have never been able to stay balanced (physically speaking) but hey, this blog is about my Balanced Heart and the mental me is making progress...takes practice, practice, practice.  Okay, so what if I fall off...actually I do it repeatedly...on the plus side I've been able to shake the shakes and keep going.  
Focused...focused... on what's important in life...knowing I must always step with care and great tact.  Trust me, if I can do the balancing thing (me, a basket case)...anyone can.
On second thought though...not on a skateboard...I'm not that balanced!  
From my heart...to yours,


  1. What an uplifting story. My brother's military group get together periodically too. He was in the army around 1955-1957ish stationed in Germany. When he and his wife come back they are full of good will and wonderful stories. Sounds like you are both balanced in the right way.

  2. M and I love the 'Band of Brothers' and that's what so many of the veterans actually are. Our group is like a big family that laughs and cries together...relationships count.

    Thanks for your nice comment.

  3. Our goal is to never stop trying to be balanced. Love ya!
