Tuesday, April 1, 2014


"There is no sense in doing a lot of barking if you really have nothing to say."
Thank you Charles Schultz
Woodstock and Peanuts


Barking aka complaining has been around almost forever...at least that's what I'm thinking.
Adam complained that it was Eve's fault they bit the fruit; Eve complained it was that 'evil one'...the serpent.  That got them nowhere and they were evicted without further ado. 
Moving right along there's much barking now over the movie 'Noah'.  Wow, Russell Crowe had quite a different experience than the original Noah.  Hollywood has some kind of trouble getting their stories to jibe, right?  Oh well, after all it is the movies!
Good grief...look at all the wonderful things God did for the children of Israel; from the get-go He took care of them and they yammered and complained about any and everything.  I feel sure you know about many of those incidents.
Marching on with the Israelites; they complained when they were enslaved in Egypt so God arranged to get them out.  The Egyptian army followed close on their heels and everyone was quite nervous...just imagine!  Up to water they couldn't cross w/the army behind...what to do?  God took care of them again and voila!  Parted the waters and walk through on dry land was really neat...especially when the waters closed and took care of the Egyptians! 
You'd think the people would've quickly connected the dots...not so!  Right...onward with the complaining and the history of mankind.  Somehow we can't escape it...think about it for a bit.  In life things can be going along, smooth as silk...everyone is so happy...at last we've reached a point where we can mentally and physically 'stretch our wings' so to speak.  Time to shift to other things now that the groundwork, the foundation has been laid.
Oops, wait a minute.  There's a little rumble in the background...did you feel it...did you hear it?  What's going on...things are supposed to be peaceful, right?  Not yet 'Smarty'...just hold your horses.
I just read about a news journalist who was covering a bit of war in a foreign country...and she's on television.  Guess what?  People (viewers) complained they didn't like her hair...WHAT?  Risking her life and people don't think her hair looks good?  Oh...bark...bark...bark.
You dislike washing dishes?  Man, woman or child...do you or don't you?  Okay, so you can take it or leave it.  I had automatic dishwashers for years...until we moved overseas.  They weren't exactly the 'in' thing to have and I didn't mind handwashing  dishes...admittedly I looked forward to being back in the States.  Time to get rid of those dishpan hands.
After moving home from China I found myself still hand washing our dishes...rather than complaining I graciously implemented a super idea.  Michael is a super dishwasher...we butter each other up...one washes, the other dries. 
Ah, sweet progress.
Shifting gears a little...last week in the grocery store I saw the cutest kid...probably a pre-teen; he had dark hair and the brightest, sparkling dark eyes.  He was as bouncy as a beach ball.  The second time I saw him he was tagging along behind his mom (at least I tho't she was his mom) still bouncing and ecstatically happy.  Swinging his arms and doing a cute dance while singing 'Happy' very beautifully.  I couldn't help smiling while watching and listening to him.  Over and over he sang about how happy he was...
oh boy, a happy fella'.
On the other hand his mom looked anything but happy...and she paid no attention to him at all.  At first I thought 'why isn't she happy like her son'...and then I changed my thinking.  I realized she may have been totally exhausted and would probably welcome a bit or perhaps a lot of quiet time.  Her son was Down Syndrome.  I pray for her to have some happy times, happy days...like her sweet boy.  There was no complaining.
There are special areas in some stores...Complaint Departments.  M and I have been business owners and we know the importance of  'the customer is always right'.  While some people are difficult to handle...in business you need lots and lots of diplomacy.  Smile and take your lumps.
I wonder if many churches have 'complaint boxes'...you think?  If you had to sign your complaint that might prevent some from filling the boxes...but there are those who thrive on complaining...a way of life.  You suppose there divisions like we have in politics...Democratic, Republican, Independent, Tea Party...Barkers?
And then we have the generation gaps...no way I can put it as well as Woodstock, Snoopy & Charles Schultz.
I was raised in a large family; Michael and I raised four sons along w/many of their friends.  We've worked with college students in Norman...Chinese students in Qingdao...lots and lots of young people.  The age gap has actually never bothered us and personally I always felt young.  Now?  Okay, I'm old but young at heart and in  many ways that helps overcome the physical part of aging.  I want to always appreciate and accept others for who and what they are...overcoming any barrier.
It helps not to complain...what if every time you approached me I hit you with my barks...woof, woof?  It wouldn't be long before you might avoid me...what, avoid me?  Yes, mam!  I'll get the message.
I've participated in discussions concerning criticism.  Some say constructive criticism is healthy and others say there's no such thing as constructive criticism...its all destructive.  That's grist for another day...the different ways and means of criticism.
I complain...not often, but I do!  But lately I've become more aware...hearing barking...and I don't want to be like that.  What to do then?  For starters I read this quote from Katrina Mayer and I thought it made sense:
"Go 24 hours without complaining (Not even once.) 
Then watch how your life starts changing."
Bingo...I am entering into the 24 hour period...I will not bark or complain...not even once.!
I want my life to change...for the better!  If I want that, I must plan for it...right?  Oh yes!
From my heart...to yours,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder to watch our words and their influence on others !
